Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Depardieu, Pierre Richard, Clotilde Courau , Rocco Siffredi , Jarno Trulli , Michel Denisot , Laurent Gerra , Carole Bouquet , Francis Cabrel, Sting, Christophe Lambert , Madonna, Johnny Hallyday, Michael Schumacher, Luc Besson, Bizente Lizarazu , Francis Ford Coppola, David Beckham, and more, all of these stars are not only celebrities but also winemakers.

Burgundy , the Loire wine, Alsace, Languedoc Roussillon, Provence or Champagne, our stars are domain and chateaux owners and for some of them the vineyards are exploited by themselves.

There are no Grand Crus, but, quality wines with a future, produced with elegance, love and passion , as on the movie screen!

Wine, is a source of inspiration and pleasure, treat yourself to a session with moderation … with the wine of your stars.

And if Amélie Nothomb is right, ladies, drink Champagne, as from her opinion, it is the only drink that makes women beautiful!

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