Legal Notice


World Grands Crus does not record any personal information allowing identification, with the exception of forms that the user is free to fill out. This information will not be used without your agreement; we will only use it to send you mailings, brochures, and quotes or to contact you.

World Grands Crus can carry out statistical analyses without these being nominative and can inform third parties (frequentation evaluation organisms) in a summarized and not nominative form.

Use of cookies

The management of orders requires the use of cookies. Non-personal information is recorded by this system of cookies (text files used to recognize a user and thus facilitate his use of the site). They have no meaning outside their use on the site

Hypertext links

World Grands Crus does not control the sites connected to its own, and therefore cannot be responsible for their content. The risks related to the use of these sites are fully incumbent on the user. He will comply with their conditions of use.


  • World Grands Crus
  • N° SIRET : 79372948400014
  • N° TVA : FR66793729484
  • The head office : 67 Cours Mirabeau, 13100 Aix-en-Provence
  • Phone : +33 (0)4 42 90 86 74



Digital agency

This site is designed by GuruMeditation

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